HomeGood AdviceThe Big Buzz About Business

The Big Buzz About Business

“It’s such a big risk to go into business”, “You might find yourself getting into debt if you go into business”, “Your business idea might not work” — you’ve probably heard these statements from people who aren’t a hundred percent sold out in entrepreneurship. But take a good look around you and you’ll see many people taking their chances at doing business.

So what is really the big buzz about business?

Why are so many people considering it?

Why do many people look forward to it after employment?

Most people go into business because they want to achieve financial independence. Investing time and dedicating yourself to your business will enable you to hit your financial goals. Another reason people go into business is that they are looking for freedom – something that regular employment cannot give them because of the restrictions that come with the rules and regulations of the job. Others find business as a means to execute their passions in life just like the successful entrepreneurs who pursued their passions through starting their own business.

It’s not a secret that having your own business allows you to control your own hours; you decide when you start the work and when to call it a day. Well, for most startups, more hours may be needed to help get the business established. But once the business becomes stable, the rewards that come with it can be substantial.

And while business is a very promising endeavour to take, for people who are used to waking up early in the morning, clocking in at 9 in the office and leaving the office by 5, starting a business can seem like a difficult task. Getting used to a daily structure or routine and having a regular paycheck can make the transition to business difficult but then again, not impossible.

However, if you’re one who is not happy about getting a comfortable, structured and predictable routine, if you’re one who believes there’s more to an eight-hour shift, perhaps there’s something bigger in-store for you. And that something big can be your start-up business!

If you find yourself entertaining business thoughts and ideas, perhaps the business world is calling you. You may have a lot of questions about business: what it is, what types of business can work for you, how to go about the process of starting it and so many more; I suggest that you start writing all of your questions down and together, we will answer them one by one.

The business world is a beautiful and exciting world! And when you’re armed with the correct mindset, appropriate ideas and smart goals, you’ll most likely find yourself (and your business) thriving.


Do you find yourself considering your own business?

What business ideas do you have in mind and how do you see them achieved?

Do you want to learn more about how to actually start your own business?

So join me in a personal online training and coaching program called “BUSINESS IN A BOX” on how to start your own business this coming Nov 22 and 29 via FB LIVE. For more info please go to chinkeetan.com/businessinabox

Chinkee Tan’s Wealth of Advice appears Wednesdays on GoodNewsPilipinas.com

(Chinkee Tan is a top Filipino motivational speaker, wealth and life coach whose goal is to inform, educate, motivate, and disturb. His vision is to help people become financially-literate and debt-free.For more info about Chinkee Tan, please visit his fan page at FB, Twitter and Instagram. Also follow VIBER PUBLIC CHAT GROUP search chinkee tan, and VISIONCHINKEE on You Tube for more news and encouragements.)

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Chinkee Tan
Chinkee Tanhttps://chinkeetan.com/
Chinkee Tan is a top Filipino motivational speaker, wealth and life coach whose goal is to inform, educate, motivate, and disturb. His vision is to help people become financially-literate and debt-free. For more info about Chinkee Tan, please visit his fan page at FB, Twitter and Instagram. Also follow VIBER PUBLIC CHAT GROUP search chinkee tan, and VISIONCHINKEE on You Tube for more news and encouragements.

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