HomeGood AdviceWhat You Need To Do If You Are Going Through Something

What You Need To Do If You Are Going Through Something

Chinkee Tan
Chinkee Tan

It’s so hard to think, strategize, and move on in your life  if you are going through something.  

Do you feel like you’re carrying a load that is too heavy for you, making it hard for you to breathe? Do you feel like your chest will explode out of the negative emotions you’re keeping inside of you?  

The heaviness of your emotional baggage is causing you to lose hope and think that there is no way for you to get out of your situation… 

But the TRUTH is, we always have a CHOICE, so let’s always… 


Even if what we’re going through is difficult, we know that it WON’T LAST FOREVER. So instead of sulking around in one corner, unable to move forward, we can actually choose to continue on with our lives.  

Even if your business is about to go bankrupt, you shouldn’t lose hope. If your business isn’t doing so well, it only means that there is something in the business process that needs to be improved. Things evolve – maybe there are certain things in your business that need to evolve too, like the way you do your marketing and advertising. 

Even if you’re about to run out of money, the OPPORTUNITIES for you to earn money will NEVER RUN OUT. We also need to remember that the MAIN SOURCE of our financial blessings is God. He is merely using our jobs as instruments.  

We have the option to redirect our focus on the positive side. And this is the best option that we can ever choose in order to live through whatever it is that we are going through. At the same time, we can learn how to… 


Whether or not we admit it, we are all carrying UNNECESSARY baggage in this journey we call life. This is the reason why we are finding it hard to move forward. 

One of the unnecessary things that we are carrying is DOUBT. Oftentimes we doubt our ability to surpass whatever it is that we are going through. As a result, we never get out of our situation.  

Doubt also has to do with NEGATIVITY. This is also a heavy unnecessary baggage that keeps us from moving forward with our lives.  

There are a lot of times when we really can’t change our circumstances. There are instances in our lives wherein there is really nothing that we can do. What we need to learn is to let go of all the things that HINDER us from moving forward. And to do that we need to… 


The good news is that there is a God who will NEVER leave us nor forsake us. The only reason why we feel that God is so far away from us is because WE were the ones who moved away from Him.  

But if we continually SEEK His help, we will know that He is always available, and He is very much willing to help us.  

He is a God who will not judge us. He loved us even when we were in the middle of being wrong and full of shortcomings.  

He is a God who can bring us from darkness to light. There is no problem too difficult for God to solve.  

Just continue to believe and look up to God. Put Him first in your life, and He will take you out of your situation. He can make anything happen for you. 


What are you going through?  

What solutions can you think of that can help you get out of your situation?  

Have you asked help from God for you to be able to move on from this?

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Chinkee Tan
Chinkee Tanhttps://chinkeetan.com/
Chinkee Tan is a top Filipino motivational speaker, wealth and life coach whose goal is to inform, educate, motivate, and disturb. His vision is to help people become financially-literate and debt-free. For more info about Chinkee Tan, please visit his fan page at FB, Twitter and Instagram. Also follow VIBER PUBLIC CHAT GROUP search chinkee tan, and VISIONCHINKEE on You Tube for more news and encouragements.

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