HomeGood InspirationWant to give this money affirmation a try? | Positivitrix

Want to give this money affirmation a try? | Positivitrix

Positivitrix money affirmation
Positivitrix shares new tips to give you positive energy.

Yesterday morning my husband and I decided to go public with one of our many personal things- our Money Affirmation duet.

I’m not sure if you are big on affirmations, manifestations, and positive thinking like us but the fact that you are a valued part of my list probably means, yes- you believe in these wonderful, amazing things!

Please watch this (just 40 seconds) and try it for yourself! Your style, your rules, of course!

It’s so much fun!

What do you think about it?

Also, what’s your current mantra/ manifestation statement today- share away!

MORE tips from Positivitrix:

Have you been on a ZIP LINE adventure? Do you want to? Here’s how a zip line IN A CITY goes! | Positivitrix

Plan a Vision Board with Me | Positivitrix

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Trixie Esguerra
Trixie Esguerrahttp://www.trixieesguerra.com/
Trixie Barretto Esguerra is the Philippines’ Vision Board Coach. A speaker to various companies and groups here and abroad, she is a Distinguished Toastmaster, a Tony Robbins’ crew member, an NLP and intuitive thetahealer practitioner. She welcomes people who believe in the Law of Attraction to join her exclusive Facebook group: Vision Board Club! Follow her on social media at @positivitrix today!

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