The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) is offering 23 free short courses that will be available to the public starting this February 2023.
The UPOU released a list of courses covering topics such as animation, gender sensitivity, graphic design, entrepreneurship, multimedia production, and many more.
The free courses can be completed at one’s own pace and convenience. E-certificates will be given to individuals who have successfully completed their courses.
“All of our courses are FREE, SELF-PACED, and OPEN to everyone so you may complete them at your own convenience,” the UPOU announced on January 19, 2023.
“At the end of each course, e-certificates will be awarded to course completers which you may include in your resume as a 16-hour training,” the university added.
Here are the online courses offered by the University of the Philippines Open University:
- Gender Sensitivity Training
- Basics of Graphic Design
- Introduction to Open and Distance eLearning (ODeL)
- Strategic Planning in ODeL
- Understanding the Child Better
- Introduction to Technology for Teaching and Learning
- Scriptwriting for a Video Material
- Quality Assurance in ODeL
- Crisis Management and Foresight Planning
- Learner Support in ODeL
- Teaching and Learning with Modern ICTs
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Blended Teaching and Learning Using OERs
- Legal Instruments for the Protection of Children
- Introduction to Open and Distance eLearning (ODeL)
- Strategic Planning in ODeL
- Business Analytics Concepts and Frameworks
- Basic Animation Using Powtoon
- Quality Assurance in ODeL
- Learner Support in ODeL
- Introduction to Technology for Teaching and Learning
- Institutional Mechanism Towards Child Rights Protection and Promotion
- Planning Programs on Child Rights Protection and Promotion
- Teaching and Learning with Modern ICTs
- Developing and Producing an Interactive Educational Video Material
- Video Editing Using an Open-Source Video Editing Software
November and December
- Blended Teaching and Learning Using OERs
- Implementing and Evaluating Programs for Child Rights
To enroll for free, individuals need to register and create a Massive Open Distance eLearning (MODeL) account through the UPOU website.
Follow these steps to register in MODeL and enroll in the MOOCs you like:
New users can browse through the featured courses section of the university’s website and select the ones they would like to enroll in when they become available.
The UPOU is one of the trailblazers in online teaching and learning in the Philippines – the first to offer Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). It previously offered online Bridge English and Bridge Mathematics courses for free.
The educational institution earlier swept all three Prizes of Excellence awarded by the Norway-based International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE).
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