The University of the Philippines (UP) outranks Harvard University, University of Cambridge, and University of Oxford in the latest Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings (WUR) for health research citations.
UP, which moved into the Top 95 spot in 2019 THE WUR Asia, registered its best ranking in the clinical, pre-clinical and health subject for the second year in a row. The national university moved up to the 126-150 rank from its 2018 spot at 201-250.
The state university placed 7th globally among 721 educational institutions in terms of citations in health researches after scoring 98.8 points, a 10-point improvement on its 2018 score.
The UP ranking for health citations placed the national university ahead of the Top 3 schools in the subject’s overall rankings namely United Kingdom’s University of Oxford (92.7) and University of Cambridge (88.5), and the United States’ Harvard University (87.4).
THE WUR Citation scores indicate the number of times a research has been cited in other research outputs. The score serves as an indicator of the impact or influence of a research project which other researchers use as reference from which they can build on succeeding breakthroughs or innovations.
The subject rankings were determined using the same performance indicators in the overall 2019 World University Rankings: 30 percent for teaching, 30 percent for research volume, income and reputation, 30 percent for citations or research influence, 7.5 percent for international staff, students and research, and 2.5 percent for industry income or knowledge transfer.
UP has been consistently improving its ranking in the THE World University Rankings since 2017, reaching the Top 156th Asian university in 2018.
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