Tag: Vision Board Coach

PositiviTrix shares about When your Guides speak to you

Just last night, I had my friend Dar, from the Philippines Intuitive Academy, do a Tarot reading for me.

How are you feeling today? Positivitrix shares how to keep your balance

I woke up and I felt I had to share something.

I just cried my heart out. Have you done the same lately?

So last night, out of nowhere, I cried my heart out. I cried my heart out for the world.

MEET: Positivitrix Trixie Esguerra, Good News Pilipinas! TV Anchor | Good News Pilipinas! TV

Trixie Esguerra wears many hats - an entrepreneur for Wrap It Up Specialty Store, events hosts for parties and corporate functions, the Philippines' Vision...

How to Attract Positivity

Do you want something but you're not sure how to get it? This will empower you! Watch this video to get your dose of Positivitrix today! https://www.facebook.com/TrixieEsguerraPage/videos/vl.123865931492728/1418065884932372/?type=1 Positivitrix...
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