Tag: public transport

Historical Makeover: Intramuros Unveils Green Travel for Pedestrians and Riders

Intramuros has embraced eco-friendly transportation options, transforming sustainability into a seamless and enriching visitor experience in Manila's historic Walled City. Enhanced bike lanes and...

Philippine jeepneys allowed back on roads to service Metro Manila commuters

The iconic Philippine jeepneys are being allowed back on Metro Manila roads to service commuters beginning July 3, 2020.

Angkas, Joyride, Move It motorcycle taxis awarded extended runs

Angkas, Joyride, and Move It motorcycle taxis have been awarded extended runs and caps on the number of riders servicing their areas redistributed.

Cebu public transport fitted with high tech passenger service gadgets

Cebu's public transportation are now more passenger-friendly with the installation of high technology devices.Cebu's public transportation are now more passenger-friendly with the installation of...

FREE transportation for students nationwide starts July 1st

Free transportation for students in the Philippines will start on July 1, according to the Department of Transportation (DoTr) instructions to the country's state-controlled...
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