Tag: positive tips
Let’s talk about what you DESERVE
How come you don't always get what you deserve?
While others get what they don't deserve?
Scholarships up for grabs for HEAL Online Summit
I am sharing with you the gift of Positivity and Empowerment at the HEAL Online Summit happening on June 12-14, 2020.
For the New Normal, Create a Vision Board that Works!
We had high hopes for 2020 -- we had our goals and dreams for the year, plans, and projects we wanted to take on, people and places we wanted to see...
How to Center Yourself & Grow with your Partner
Almost 2 months into ECQ because of Covid-19 and we continue to find ways on how to cope. Let me share 2 significant things that will help you get through this crisis easier.
How to Win over this Pandemic
It's COVID-19 everywhere we look.
And it scares us big time.
It gives us anxiety. Uncertainty. And it definitely tests our faith.
How to Cope with Covid-19 Crisis
It has been more than a month since the lockdown and we continue to cope with the Covid-19 crisis in different ways. Day by day, we safeguard our physical, mental & emotional health. A lot of times, we extend help to others, and more often than not, we ourselves, seek out help, as well.
How to Not Think of Others
Sometimes you care a lot about what others think of you. And it drives you crazy. Now, how do you not think about them?
To the most important person in your life
Who is the most important person in your life? This is a message he/she must know! Watch this 2 minute video and be instantly...
Advice for Entrepreneurs How to Stay Positive on Just a Minute with The Guru...
Trixie Esguerra went live on YouTube with the Philippines’ Franchise Guru Armando “Butz” Bartolome to advice entrepreneurs on how to stay positive.
In this YouTube...
Staying Positive in 2019! Tips from Vision Board Coach Trixie Esguerra
How do you keep yourself positive? It’s all in the mind.
Find out in this Episode of Positivitrix, your 2-minute show that gives you tips...
Positivitrix Trixie Esguerra Made-for-GoodNewsPilipinas video featured on UKG ABSCBN
The first Made-for-GoodNewsPilipinas video by Positivitrix Trixie Esguerra was featured on the Umagang Kay Ganda ABSCBN 2019 New Year’s Day episode this morning.
Esguerra, the...
Catriona Gray’s Positivity Vision Board helped her win Miss Universe
LOOK!!! Miss Universe Catriona Gray has a Vision Board!!!
It worked for her! See for yourself!
Positivitrix Trixie Esguerra’s Made for GNP videos are seen Mondays...