Tag: May Parsons

From Giving the World’s First COVID-19 Vaccine to Empowering Filipino Nurses: May Parsons Launches...

In a groundbreaking move, Filipino-British nurse May Parsons, globally recognized for administering the world's inaugural COVID-19 vaccine, has founded a charity aimed at bolstering the careers of nurses trained in the Philippines.

Filipina nurse who administered world’s 1st COVID-19 vaccine receives Queen Elizabeth award

Filipina nurse May Parsons, who administered the world’s first approved COVID-19 vaccine, has received the prestigious George Cross award from Queen Elizabeth II on behalf of the United Kingdom's National Health Service (NHS).

World’s 1st COVID-19 vaccine administered in UK by Filipina nurse May Parsons

Filipina nurse May Parsons has administered the world's first approved COVID-19 vaccine to 90-year-old Margaret Keenan, who is the first person to receive the coronavirus inoculation in the United Kingdom.
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