Tag: marriage
Is there an easier way to manifest the love life that I want?
I’ve been there.
Yung naghahanap.
I’ve been single for 5 long years before I dated my ”The One”, my now-husband.
Top 5 Money Issues That Can Kill Your Marriage
“Why do you spend so much!?”
“Don’t you know how to save?”
“Who will pay for your credit card expenses?”
It’s no secret that arguments about money...
5 Money Management Tips for Married Couples
I thought about a lot of marriage breaking up and it seems that annulments have been increasing in the Philippines and has actually been...
What Is The Best Investment Today?
We often do our New Year Resolution and may I ask, "Do you have one?" If you don't have any allow me to suggest that you should consider learning how to invest and make your money grow.
What Should You Do If You And Your Spouse Are Becoming Sarcastic To Each...
Every time you would talk, there seems to be a competition on how to outsmart the other person. Are you tired of this kind of scene?
Honor and Respect Your Spouse
We all want to be honored and respected. Who doesn’t want that, right? It’s very heartbreaking to see how a lot of people would