Tag: How

How Jose Mari Chan ushers in the Pinoy Christmas Season in September

It's the first day of September and as if on cue - Filipinos usher the Pinoy Christmas Season with decors and more than a...

LOOK: How to Download National Artist-inspired font Imao Obra Typeface

A Filipino National Artist-inspired new font called the Obra Typeface is now available for free download courtesy of the Ayala Museum and J. Walter...

How Calling a Person’s Name Reveals Your Sincerity | Positivitrix

Good News Pilipinas! TV anchor Trixie Esguerra gives her weekly Positivitrix tips and tricks to keep you positive! WATCH: Positivitrix Trixie Esguerra Gives You an...

How Filipinos say Goodbye

How do Pinoys say goodbye? Sobrang saya ko in this making this video! I'm sure you'll enjoy watching this too! TAG someone who will relate! Get...

Inspirational Tips from Filipino Pride Advocates on How to Stay Positive in 2019

What would you recommend for Filipinos to stay positive this 2019? Although the Gallup International annual poll ranked the Philippines in the top 10 nations...
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