Tag: Chinkee Tan
What To Do If You Are Unappreciated At Home Or In Your Workplace?
You know you have done everything you can and exerted all your effort yet your boss doesn’t seem to notice. It even feels like you need to do more.
Don’t Be Self-Centered
Whether we admit it or not, self-centeredness has become a default mode. It is easier to become self-absorbed than selfless.
Is God Your First Option or Last Option?
“GOD, just heal me from this terrible disease, and I will serve you.” “GOD, I have done everything there is to do. You are my last resort. Please help me!"
God Answers All Our Prayers
First and foremost, allow me to greet you a Happy New Year this 2016. Let us start it off with an intriguing statement, “Do you know that God answers all our prayers.”
Running Out of Hope
Have you experienced any of these? Waking up in the morning to see text messages about your loans. You can already be phone-pals with the credit card collection agent with the frequency of his calls.
It Is Better to Give Rather Than To Receive
In boxing, the motto is most likely "It is better to give rather than to receive." No boxer would want to receive a knock-out punch from any of his opponent.
Never Make a Decision When You’re Emotional
Have you ever made a decision that you now regret making, and perhaps you are now reaping the consequences of it?
Greed versus Contentment
Is it a bad thing to dream of having lots of money? Is it a bad thing to dream of owning a beautiful house or car? Is it a bad thing to dream of eating better choices of food everyday?
How to Overcome Fear of Failure and Rejection?
Are you afraid to fail? Are you afraid of rejection? Do you want to be free of these fears so that you can finally fulfill what you want to do in life?
Stop Becoming A People-Pleaser
Are you the type of person who, Gives way to others, all the time? Spends more time making other people happy, more than yourself? Finds it almost impossible to refuse requests from others?
Negativity Kills
You didn’t get the job, so you already think you’re a loser? You see someone whispering in the corner, so you already think they are gossiping about you?