Tag: Celebration
LIST: Where to Buy Philippines’ Traditional Christmas Food
Here is the list of some of the traditional Christmas food in the Philippines that complete the "merry" in Christmas.
UST, PNU language teacher Genoveva Matute honored in today’s Google Doodle
Google today made a special Doodle to celebrate the 105th birth anniversary and to commemorate the life and legacy of multilingual Filipino author and...
Illac Diaz, Liter of Light teach media celebrities on International Day of Light at...
Filipino social innovator Illac Diaz and Liter of Light led the country's celebration of International Day of Light (IDL 2019) with solar lamp creation...
Philippine Arts Month opens with Pasinaya festival of 3,000 artists
The Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) celebrated the start of Philippine Arts Month in February with a jampacked weekend of “Pasinaya” - a...