Tag: business tips
A Former Kitchen Crew to Successful Entrepreneur | Butz Bartolome
A complete leap of faith is just what one needs to reach his goal.
How To Have Business Partners? | Butz Bartolome
Bringing in partners into a business may help achieve an entrepreneur’s dream.
Growth Pains in Family Business | Butz Bartolome
The most essential factor that family members have is unity in all aspects of the family business.
Turn Your Hobby Into A Full-Time Business | Butz Bartolome
Most successful entrepreneurs start their businesses with the hobby that they love.
How To Effectively Influence Others | Butz Bartolome
Being in business means that you have to sell yourself, literally. A company cannot survive if the business owner does not make his name shine in the business world. One needs to be influencing enough to be known. And influence means how others experience you.
Overseas-inspired family café reimagines new life in the Philippines | Butz Bartolome
After launching their KAFF store a few weeks before the COVID-19 global lockdown. Former ex-pat-founded Filipino café shares its journey, including all the bumps along the way.
Are Business Cards A Thing Of The Past? | Butz Bartolome
Good business relationships often start by giving out business cards.
The Challenges in Family Business Succession | Butz Bartolome
We are aware of how difficult it is to start a business. More so, to continue the business and hand it over to the next generation. Rough roads are likely to happen, and everyone should be united to strengthen the industry in any kind of business.
The Sacrifices Behind Every Successful Entrepreneur | Butz Bartolome
We all have dreamed of becoming successful one day. Some may prefer having a simple life, but we all know how times have become problematic. And to merely rely on our day job may not be sufficient to secure the family’s future. Therefore, the only way to be sure that we can save enough for the family’s immediate needs is to start our own business.
How To Spot A Good Franchise Business | Butz Bartolome
Many people always ask what is the best franchise business to invest in. Often the basis would be on the price, something affordable and within the range of one’s pocket. There are also those who, based on what one’s neighbor invested who are, in other words, just follow the leader.
Enhancing A Family Business | Butz Bartolome
The Philippines is a country with a tight-knit family relationship. In fact, extended family is evident. There may be four generations living under one roof. Living from a distance may not be a practice. Families of overseas Filipino workers tend to live nearby.
Building Your Business Empire | Butz Bartolome
What are your thoughts nowadays? Do you consider putting up a business?