Tag: appreciation

Chinkee Tan

How Can We Repay Debt of Gratitude

Were there people who helped you out in the past? If yes, what did you do to pay them back? Did you return the favor? Or did you simply let the moment pass because you did not know how to match their effort and help?
Chinkee Tan

What To Do If You Are Unappreciated At Home Or In Your Workplace?

You know you have done everything you can and exerted all your effort yet your boss doesn’t seem to notice. It even feels like you need to do more.
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FINAL LIST: Official National Candidates in Philippines’ 2022 General Elections

The final ballot face list of the national candidates for President, Vice President, Senators, and Party Lists, and the local candidates for Congress, Mayor, Vice Mayor, and City/Municipal Council for the May 2022 general elections have been released.