Tag: APIs

13 Filipinos honored on A100 List of Asians leading ‘New Gold Age’

Thirteen Filipinos have made it to Gold House's annual A100 List of trailblazing Asians, Asian-Americans, and Pacific Islanders (APIs) leading the "new gold age" for the races.

Nine Filipinos named in A100 List of Most Impactful Asians

Nine Filipinos have made it to Gold House's annual A100 List to celebrate Asians, Asian-Americans, and Pacific Islanders (APIs) and their impactful contributions to society.
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St. John Colleges Wows Calamba City with Christmas Cantata Celebrating Jesus’...

St. John Colleges (SJC) delighted the Calamba community in Laguna with a spectacular Christmas Cantata, showcasing the story of Jesus' birth through music and...