Tag: 50th anniversary

LIST: Martial Law 50th Anniversary Virtual Events

Here is a list of virtual events observing the 50th anniversary of the signing of Presidential Proclamation 1081 declaring Martial Law on September 21, 1972, a period documented as the darkest time of Philippine history which suppressed Filipinos' freedom of speech, assembly, and many other human rights.

Two generations meet online 50 years after martial law declaration in Philippines

Two generations of Filipinos who lived through the martial law years in the Philippines share their experience before, during, and after the declaration of military rule 50 years ago, in an online Facebook live stream of the New Zealand-based PSTV5+ Channel.

Golden Anniversary of the Cultural Center of the Philippines celebrated in commemorative stamps

The 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) is being celebrated with golden anniversary commemorative stamps issued by...

Cultural Center of the Philippines introduces new “Baybayan” font for 50th anniversary

Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) has officially introduced the new font "Baybayan" as part of its 50th anniversary celebration. The "Baybayan" was first used...

Philippines’ 1st full-length opera Noli Me Tangere returns to CCP

Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not), the Philippines' first full-length opera based on the 19th century novel of national hero Dr. Jose Rizal, is...
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