Meet Dr. Lucille V. Abad of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) who was featured by the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) in the Juana Says series for International Women’s Day 2019.
Dr. Abad, the chief of the Atomic Nuclear Division of the PNRI, was awarded the 2017
Excellent Research Team of the Year by the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA) for developing the Plant Food Supplement (PFS) that exemplifies peaceful use of nuclear technology.
The University of the Philippines alumna was recognized by the PCW for receiving the 2017 National Science Technology Week’s Outstanding Research and Development Award for Applied Research for “Radiation Modified Carrageenan as Plant Food Supplement,” proven to be effective as a plant growth promoter.
On International Women’s Day 2018, the Filipina scientist was named one of the Asian Scientist 100 honorees for 2018.
Dr. Abad is a scientist with a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering and Management from the University of Tokyo and an innovator famous in the chemistry industry. With her passion and devotion towards her profession, she and her research team were able to produce Radiation-Modified Carrageenan as Plant Food Supplement and they have also proven its effectiveness.
Send cheers in the comments below to Dr. Lucille Abad, the outstanding Filipina scientist and promoter of the peaceful use of nuclear technology!
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