HomeGood ShowK-Drama star Lee Sung-Kyung of Weightlifting Fairy fame is a big Lea...

K-Drama star Lee Sung-Kyung of Weightlifting Fairy fame is a big Lea Salonga fan

Korean and Filipino stars Lee Sung-Kyung and Lea Salonga exchange heartfelt praises on Instagram.

Disney Princess Lea Salonga received a fan message from the star of hit Korean drama series, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo.

Salonga, who originally sang the Disney classic “A Whole New World” from the movie Aladdin, reposted a video of South Korean star Lee Sung-Kyung singing the song while in a car.

“This is adorable! Isn’t she a Disney Princess?” wrote Lea on the caption for the Instagram video of K-Drama star Lee Sung-Kyung that the Filipina Broadway royalty reposted in June.

In July, the Weightlifting Fairy star responded to Salonga’s Instagram post and expressed her admiration by writing, “I am so thankful and honored Lea! I’ve been practicing listening to you! You are inspirational and I love you so much!”

The Tony award-winning Filipina actress replied with her own fan message, revealing that she and her mother are also fans of the hit K-Drama series.

“Thank you for those many hours of entertainment! We love the show and you in it!,” The Voice Kids Coach Lea Salonga said.

Lee Sung-Kyung is set to arrive in the Philippines on July 27 for her first-ever ‘Be Joyful’ fan meeting in Manila to be held at SM Skydome.

WATCH here how Lee Sung-Kyung sings Lea Salonga’s lines in “A Whole New World” and TELL US your best K-Drama and Lea Salonga stories in the comments below!


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Nicole Del Rosario
Nicole Del Rosario
Nicole Anne D. Del Rosario is a fresh AB Communication graduate with specialization in Public Relations. She is a former campus journalist and Rappler intern who loves to contribute to the society by writing the history-in-the-making. Nicole believes in the power of journalism and supports a free press.

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