HomeGood InspirationHow to Center Yourself & Grow with your Partner

How to Center Yourself & Grow with your Partner

Positivitrix relationship goals
Positivitrix shares tips and tricks for relationship success.

Almost 2 months into ECQ because of Covid-19 and we continue to find ways on how to cope. Let me share 2 significant things that will help you get through this crisis easier.

Center yourself.

When people say that they are centered, this means they are in tune with themselves. They are aligned. They feel alive.

Why should you aim to be centered? Simply because you want to be happy. Thus, when it’s chaotic out there, go inwards. Find balance. And then, you will change the way you see the world.

Here are some tips from me and my partner, David Abrenilla, on how you can center yourself:

1. Connect with nature.
2. Meditate.
3. Do a physical activity.
4. Have a me-time without any gadget.
5. Think “Life is happening for me and not to me.”

More about those here: https://bit.ly/CenterandGrow

Now if you are in a relationship, and whether you are physically together now during ECQ or not, this second tip will be of help.

If you are still single, and you want to find your OTL soon, read it anyway because this will come handy in the future!

Grow with your partner

How? Set, share, and align your values and expectations.
Then, commit and protect those values including the negotiables and non-negotiables.

Here are some tips from me and my partner, David Abrenilla, on how you can grow with your significant other:

1. Know your love language and use it to communicate
2. Create a couple’s vision board
3. Communicate without judging
4. Do a dialogue.

Now let me stress on #4.
Dialogue means you know that it’s time to listen, talk, and come up with a resolution about the issue. This is where you share your feelings.

You tell your partner how his/her certain action made you feel and tell him/her a suggestion on how things can get better next time.

It’s the complete opposite of the blame game.
It is truly a life-changer.
David and I learned about the proper way to do a Dialogue when we attended the Discovery Weekend last year.

More about those here: https://bit.ly/CenterandGrow

We may be far from really flattening the curve here in the Philippines, but you know what? Just like what Wayne Dyer said, “I am realistic. I expect miracles.”

P.S. As we transition into the new normal, it is high time to prepare ourselves by looking at our new vision- bigger dreams, new opportunities, a more resilient self! E-mail me at trixie@trixieesguerra.com for my upcoming Vision Board Online Workshop by the end of May!

CHECK OUT these Positivitrix tips and tricks:

How to Win over this Pandemic

FB Live series: How to Cope with Covid-19 Crisis

TELL US in the comments below your own tips and tricks to grow with your partner!

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Trixie Esguerra
Trixie Esguerrahttp://www.trixieesguerra.com/
Trixie Barretto Esguerra is the Philippines’ Vision Board Coach. A speaker to various companies and groups here and abroad, she is a Distinguished Toastmaster, a Tony Robbins’ crew member, an NLP and intuitive thetahealer practitioner. She welcomes people who believe in the Law of Attraction to join her exclusive Facebook group: Vision Board Club! Follow her on social media at @positivitrix today!

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