Heart Evangelista went on Twitter on Thursday to ask students to let her know if they need gadgets for online learning.
The popular actress and world fashion icon whose real name is Love Marie Escudero, tweeted on June 4, 2020, that she will welcome direct messages asking for tablets on her Instagram account. The tweet came with a photo of the Cherry Mobile Flare Tab.
“For those who don’t have tablets for online school please dm me on ig… I will be giving away as much tablets as I can,” tweeted Evangelista.
Evangelista’s IG account is under the name IAMHEARTE and can be accessed in this link.
The Department of Education in the Philippines had earlier announced the opening of the new school year on August 24 using new modes of teaching and learning such as online, radio, and television school on air as the country remains under various stages of community quarantine to stop the spread of coronavirus disease.
Heart Evangelista is known for her charitable acts to both humans and animals in distress. She joined the PAWS rescue mission for animals stranded at the Taal Volcano after it erupted in January 2020.
SEND CHEERS in the comments below to Heart Evangelista for giving away tablets to assist students with online learning during this time of public health emergency.
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