HomeGood InspirationHave you been on a ZIP LINE adventure? Do you want to?...

Have you been on a ZIP LINE adventure? Do you want to? Here’s how a zip line IN A CITY goes! | Positivitrix

Positivitrix ZIP LINE adventure
Positivitrix, positivity, good vibes, Trixie Barreto Esguerra, Vision Board Coach, inspirational, vision boarding, positive energy, tips, tricks, zip line

You must have experienced, heard, or seen zip lines in parks, mountains, or resorts, right?

Have you seen one in an urban setting? Would you like to?

Watch this and imagine how I felt! Imagine you were with me! 🙂

Here’s how a zip line adventure IN A CITY goes!

Click play OR Right click- Open link in new tab & start watching at 0:37 para action agad!

​I did that in Dubai a few years ago. A start-up company flew me there to do a Vision Board Party and at the end of the trip, I decided to try that zip line!

Did you like it? Is that something you are willing to try? Or if you have done it before, let me know where! 🙂

​Overall, ganyan yung feeling kapag alam mong you are taking a certain risk but still, you are determined to do it because you want that experience, you want that exciting feeling, you want to win over your fear!!!

Parang pag-iisip kung gagawa ka ba ng Vision Board para sa susunod na taon.

Kakaba-kaba sa umpisa kasi syempre, the bigger the dream, the more scary it seems.

But then, as you go along the way,

you’ll meet people who will assist you, who will empower you, who can even be your dream-maker, and during that process,

you will remember how strong, how capable, how excited you are about life!

And then you end up with that amazing feeling of conquering the world!

If what I shared resonates with you, and you are thinking about how you want to spend the last few days of the year, here is something that might be of great help to you!

​If you want to ensure that you will really make time to get organized, reflect and dream bigger for the year to come, please feel free to join me for the Dec 30 Vision Board Party!

Let’s make this happen, shall we?

And yes, you can do this with me, and you can do it with your family! 🙂

Put on your vision board photos of all the adventures you’d love to experience! That zip line, and more!

​​If you’d need my help to make you sit still and have fun planning out your 2022, register today: https://bit.ly/2022VisionBoardPartyPH

MORE tips from Positivitrix:

Plan a Vision Board with Me | Positivitrix

Positivitrix: Loving is…

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Trixie Esguerra
Trixie Esguerrahttp://www.trixieesguerra.com/
Trixie Barretto Esguerra is the Philippines’ Vision Board Coach. A speaker to various companies and groups here and abroad, she is a Distinguished Toastmaster, a Tony Robbins’ crew member, an NLP and intuitive thetahealer practitioner. She welcomes people who believe in the Law of Attraction to join her exclusive Facebook group: Vision Board Club! Follow her on social media at @positivitrix today!

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