The Philippines’ VPeepz junior dance crew showcased their amazing moves on NBC’s World of Dance (WOD) stage in the second part of the competition’s season premiere on March 3, Sunday (March 4 Manila Time).
The 13-member hip hop group from Manila went into the Qualifiers needing a score of 85 to get through to the next round of Duels. VPeepz received the following judge votes: 89 from NeYo, 89 from Jennifer Lopez, and 93 from Derek Hough.
With an average score of 90.3, VPeepz earned a spot to proceed to the next round of the competition.
To Derek Hough’s question as to why the team traveled all the way from the Philippines to America to join WOD, VPeepz said “I guess we just want to show the world that even though we’re all different, I can say that there’s really unity and diversity.
Even though we’re different, I can say that dance has really brought us together. Our love for one another…”
JLo had much to say to the group, revealing her amazement at hearing the crew’s mission saying, “…to me, this is why I have so much hope for the future of this world because… These kids, at this age, like last year with The Lab, that just made me realize that they’re… They’re so far above where we were… In our thoughts, and in our mind, and they’re going to take care of our future world and generation.”
“These kids are 11 to 16 years old, and to hear them talking about diversity, and unity, and love, and class, and all of it… It’s beyond. I wasn’t thinking that when I was in the fifth grade. I took things for granted, but now you know the state that the world is in, and you guys are honestly gonna change the world and make it a better place,” the queen of dance added as she also declared the group looked like a professional group on stage.
Derek Hough declared his adoration for the Filipino dancers noting “Just, like, the footwork, the speed, just how in sync you all were, how sharp, how you hit everything, the formation changes– everything was so on point. It was so strong.
Ne-Yo pointed out VPeepz’s “Super strong formations. Super clean moves. Synchronicity–ridiculous. I say it a lot– dancing with one mind, everybody moving at the same time on the same accord. You guys got that in spades.”
WATCH the qualifying performance by VPeepz and comment your congratulations below!
With reports from Atom Pornel.
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