HomeGood InspirationFighting Back | Positivitrix

Fighting Back | Positivitrix

Fighting Back Positivitrix
Positivitrix shares new tips to give you positive energy.

I am so grateful that in my 8 years of Motivational speaking and Vision Board coaching, I only know of one public bashing that did not last for a long time. (How can it, when it was clearly a troll account trying to bring me down? lol)

But 2 weeks ago, I realized, reading a rude comment directly insulting the love of my life entailed a totally different reaction and response from me.

You see, just recently, I chanced upon an email reply to a company newsletter sent by my husband.
One of the subscribers, instead of replying “Thank you” or “I’m not interested” had the audacity to comment something nasty.
That person by the name of Erinn Chua (yes I am putting it out here but no, I won’t tag her Shopee account) though not deserving of our attention, has to understand the kind of behavior that shouldn’t be tolerated.

While my husband didn’t mind her rude email response at all, I did.
So I looked into her subscription history, I looked into her social media accounts and I started calling her. Sadly, she only answered once and just went ahead to block me.

I could have just shrugged that off, especially since she is not really a client.
But I did not.
Instead, I spent time composing an email and continued calling her for an hour.
Because not responding back is a message itself saying that her mean behavior is okay.

Moving forward, let’s not be shy, and let’s continue to call out whatever or whoever needs to be loved and educated because if we don’t, who will?
If we don’t express our truth, who will?
If we don’t do something to correct things, who will?

​MORE tips from Positivitrix:

You are the only YOU | Positivitrix

How Ice Bath Helped My Migraine | Positivitrix

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Trixie Esguerra
Trixie Esguerrahttp://www.trixieesguerra.com/
Trixie Barretto Esguerra is the Philippines’ Vision Board Coach. A speaker to various companies and groups here and abroad, she is a Distinguished Toastmaster, a Tony Robbins’ crew member, an NLP and intuitive thetahealer practitioner. She welcomes people who believe in the Law of Attraction to join her exclusive Facebook group: Vision Board Club! Follow her on social media at @positivitrix today!

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