HomeGood TechEmergency Ready-to-Eat food packs developed by DOST to be commercialized

Emergency Ready-to-Eat food packs developed by DOST to be commercialized

DOST Emergency food packs
DST-ITDI RTE food packs were distributed during the COVID-19 lockdown period.

Emergency Ready-to-Eat (RTE) food packs developed by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) will be adopted and commercialized by the provinces of Cagayan and Isabela.

DOST Region 2 hosted the virtual signing ceremony for the agreement with the two provinces to develop Food local Development Centers that will use the technology developed by the DOST-Industrial Technology Development Institute (DOST-ITDI) to produce their own Ready-to-Eat (RTE) emergency food packs for disaster survivors.

The Cagayan and Isabela food resilience project called the Commercialization of Disaster and Emergency Food Packs for Sustainable Assistance to the Food Enterprise (CODE SAFE) was signed on September 28, 2020.

DOST Region 2 Director Engr. Sancho Mabborang noted how the DOST RTE Pack of Hope Chicken Arroz Caldo of the DOST-ITDI provides nutritious meals that do not require much preparation.

The DOST official said the CODE SAFE aims for Cagayan and Isabela to use local produce for their RTE, such as corn, monggo, among others. The food project is also seen to enhance the development of local Medium Scale Micro Enterprises (MSME).

DOST-ITDI Director Dr. Annabelle Briones shared that the DOST RTE is the institute’s response to the needs of the Philippines as a disaster-prone country that requires preparedness for natural hazards such as the provision of emergency food to survivors of disasters.

Briones said the Pack of Hope RTE Chicken Arroz Caldo is its first stage relief good that can address the immediate need for food for hungry disaster victims within 48 hours of the incident.

The ready-to-eat meal can be consumed without preparation and is drinkable with a shelf life of at least 1 year, and can be transported on land, sea, and aerial drop.

Other RTEs developed by DOST include the smoked fish rice meal as its 2nd stage relief good and the cassava in light syrup and boiled sweet potato as its 3rd stage relief good.

The development of local RTEs can enhance resilient Filipino food enterprises while helping farmers sell their harvests, added Briones.

Briones shared that the DOST RTEs were provided to communities during the Covid-19 lockdown.

DOST’s innovative solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic also include the development of the COVID-19 test kit, PPEs, and health drinks.

SEND WELL WISHES in the comments below to DOST and the provinces of Cagayan and Isabela as they develop their own Disaster and Emergency Ready-to-Eat food packs.

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Angie Quadra-Balibay
Angie Quadra-Balibay
Angie is a self-confessed reformed news critic who vows she has finally found infinite value in delivering the good news. She teaches students of all ages how to make the important interesting for audiences across media platforms.

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