HomeGood BalitaClark Airport's honest Aeta janitress returns USD1000

Clark Airport’s honest Aeta janitress returns USD1000

Aeta Janitress Clark International Airport
Clark International Airport employee Grace Laxamana was commended for her honesty. Photo from ClA

An Aeta janitress at the Clark International Airport (CIA) impressed her superiors with her honesty after returning an envelope containing $1000 which was left behind by a departing passenger.

The $1000 which is equivalent to over P50,000 was found by Grace Laxamana on one of the gang chairs at the second floor of the international departure area while on duty last July 14 at about 2:50 p.m.

According to the CIA, the 42-year old utility worker initially thought that it was play money but she immediately turned over the envelope to airport operations officer Raymund Salazar.

Salazar then checked the contents of the envelope and found out that it was genuine money owned by passenger Valle Teves.

Clark International Airport Corp. (CIAC) President and CEO Jaime Melo expressed his gratitude for honest employees such as Laxamana, saying, “We’re proud of what Ms. Laxamana did. Her honesty is even more apparent since what she found was an untraceable envelope. Her good deed is truly worthy of emulation by all airport employees.”

To recognize the Aeta janitress’ honesty, the CIA President awarded Laxamana a certificate of commendation last July 18.

“We assure passengers of our strict policy to immediately turn over or return lost or abandoned items to their rightful owners,” Melo said.

Clark International Airport was adjudged one of the Top 25 Best Airports in Asia and its Terminal 2 is touted as the showcase of an Aerotropolis concept.

Philippine airport employees – from porters, to maintenance workers, and security personnel – have been commended for their honesty in handling belongings left behind by passengers.

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Nicole Del Rosario
Nicole Del Rosario
Nicole Anne D. Del Rosario is a fresh AB Communication graduate with specialization in Public Relations. She is a former campus journalist and Rappler intern who loves to contribute to the society by writing the history-in-the-making. Nicole believes in the power of journalism and supports a free press.

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