To Wait is No Laughing Matter
Are you waiting for a promotion? Are you still waiting for the people around you to change – your spouse, your friend, your officemate
Plan Ahead of Time
Have you experienced going out of the house yet you don’t know what you are going to do, or even where you are going?
Always Chink Positive + Part 2
If you have been a follower of this column, here is the second part on how to think positive.
Why Filipinos are Fond of Borrowing Money
It is very common to hear this among Pinoys, “Can I borrow some money? I promise to return it on payday.” But so many paydays have already gone by
If There’s a Will, There’s a Way!
Traffic… Maybe next time… Oh is that so? I didn’t know… I don’t think I can handle that… It isn’t my fault. It is their fault… I don’t have time for that…
Always Chink Positive + Part 1
What often comes to your mind when you are about to board an airplane? “What if it’s going to crash!” What often comes to your mind before you enter into a business venture?
Answers to 12 most asked questions about franchising
With this year’s summer, everybody young and old and people from all walks of life begin to feel the heat. Temperatures are soaring to record-breaking scale.
How to Make Money in a Down Economy
Have you ever wondered if it is a smart idea to invest when the economy is down? Or you have the money and you want to make it grow, but you are hesitant
Work-Life Balance
A lot of us aspire for a balanced life. But I am resigned to the fact that spending quality time for both work and personal life
Why I love being a mom
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
How to retire without debts
Remember the time when you were debt-free? How did you feel? Happy? Secure? Peaceful? Or all of the above?
Should you franchise your business?
Franchising is acknowledged as the best means to expand a business, but not all businesses may qualify. Franchising is a strategic way of duplicating an existing concept.