Do You Believe in Yourself?
Are you losing your self-confidence? Do your mistakes seem like they won’t ever end? Do you feel like you have no hope in making up for past failures?
I’m Okay!
Is this your usual answer whenever someone asks how you are? Even though you don’t feel good, you still say, “I’m okay.”
Philippine Consumers Never Had It So Good
I grew up like the majority of Filipinos who mostly just stared at apples, oranges and grapes at select stores that sold them.
Stop Complaining
Do you know of someone who is a “professional whiner”? “What is that?” “Why does it have to be like that?” Why just this much?” “Isn’t there anything else?”
Tan You Never…!
Since we are in the love month already, allow me to write something that is close to my heart about RELATIONSHIPS.
Overcoming Fear
Who wouldn’t be amazed at his unique basketball skills, but I particularly admire his courage. It is no joke to train to be as good as MJ.
No One Can Avoid Rejection In Life
I’m sure that at one point or another, we have experienced rejection in our life. Have you experienced being eased into the “friend zone”? (Ouch!)
Why Is It So Difficult to Earn Money?
As an OFW, you sacrifice a lot just to earn more money. As a businessman, you risk a lot of things just so you can earn more money.
Why Does God Allow Challenges?
There are times in our life when we ask God why we are experiencing suffering and pain. Or at times when the burden is too heavy, we question God’s intentions and plans for our life.
What To Do If You Are Unappreciated At Home Or In Your Workplace?
You know you have done everything you can and exerted all your effort yet your boss doesn’t seem to notice. It even feels like you need to do more.
Don’t Be Self-Centered
Whether we admit it or not, self-centeredness has become a default mode. It is easier to become self-absorbed than selfless.
Is God Your First Option or Last Option?
“GOD, just heal me from this terrible disease, and I will serve you.” “GOD, I have done everything there is to do. You are my last resort. Please help me!"