Armando Bartolome

Rediscovering Your Market Location

Most entrepreneurs always say the success of the business is location, location and location. Part of the entrepreneur’s constant discovery is identifying the market for the business.
Chinkee Tan

War Freak

Do you know of anyone who is a war freak? They love to enter into fights and quarrels with people! And they are always angry! It’s so hard to talk to them. They react so quickly.
Armando Bartolome

Pitfalls Of Franchisors

Pitfalls of Franchisors aim to give early warning to entrepreneurs wanting to be franchisors. There are certain aspects in managing the business which franchisors need not neglect.
Chinkee Tan

You Are A Team

Do you consider your spouse as your teammate or as your opponent? Is there division in your family - team husband vs. team wife?
Armando Bartolome

Is there A Career In Franchising?

A graduating student sent this e-mail from one of the universities in the South. I shall call her Elizabeth.
Chinkee Tan

There Are No Regrets In Life

Do you find yourself always in regret? Like thinking again and again how… You were not able to close the sale, and someone else took over that account…
Armando Bartolome

More Business Questions For Serious Entrepreneurs

Only serious entrepreneurs can become successful by being patient, realizing that not everything can be done in an instant.
Chinkee Tan

Why Do We Always Worry?

Are you a CERTIFIED WORRIER? You are such an expert when it comes to worrying. You worry about everything and anything. Have you ever experienced...
Armando Bartolome

How To Build Your Business Skills

HOW time really flies especially for those with tons of work to do. They could make completing the tasks less burdensome by taking a second look at their basic business skills.
Chinkee Tan

I Don’t Want to be Poor

Do you know of anyone who plans to be poor all of his or her life? “Do you know what my plan is in life? To have a poor life. To be a beggar and live in the streets.”
Armando Bartolome

7 Tips in Starting a Business

Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) are considered the backbone of the Philippine economy. Leaders of both government and private sectors recognize the role that entrepreneurs play in the economy.
Chinkee Tan

Why Don’t You Choose to Forgive?

What is your take on forgiveness? Is it easy for you to forgive or do you find it very difficult? To forgive a person who has hurt your feelings is probably one of the hardest things to do.
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