Why Are There People Who Are Tiring To Be With?
Have you ever experienced talking to someone who didn’t do anything else but rant? The longer the conversation gets, the more you feel so tired of listening to him or her?
How to start a business with the ‘right’ capital
You might be sitting at a coffee shop, looking at the many customers and you start to ask yourself: "What business can I begin with the right capital?"
What Makes Living in Poverty Difficult?
Have you ever experienced any of these? You find yourself not eating on time, or at all, because you don't have enough money to buy food.
Consumers: Are You Well Taken Cared Of?
Consumers are individuals or households that consume goods and services generated within the economy. Since the word includes just about everyone
Endure, Persevere, And Wait Patiently
One of the common tests that all of us experience in life is the test of patience. There are many instances in life wherein we are called to be patient:
5 major pitfalls of entrepreneurs
As a Business Mentor to a number of entrepreneurs, I have seen those who were successful and those who failed.
How To Get Out Of Depression
How are you today? Are you happy? Or are you going through some trials and challenges that are causing you to be sad and disheartened?
The challenges for a young entrepreneur
We go through life differently. Some were born with a silver spoon in their mouths while others would turn their nights into days just to be able to provide the basic needs for their families.
Let’s Not Be Selfish
Do you know anyone who is like this… Always wanting more for his or her own self… Doesn’t want to give… Doesn’t want to be patient and sacrifice…
Becoming Wealthy Starts With a Healthy Money Mindset
Maybe you’ve asked yourself why there are some people who are struggling in this life with money. They live paycheck-to- paycheck, or as we say it in Filipino, isang kahig, isang tuka.
Why Should I Make a Budget?
People often will say they have a budget. You say you know where your money goes and you don’t need it all written down to keep up with it?
Why Are There People Who Just Don’t Care?
Do you know of people who seem so numb and calloused? These are the kinds of people who don’t care about anyone or anything around them because in their own picture, there is no one more important than their own selves.