Chinky Tan

Did You Suffer a Loss?

Has this ever happened to you? Crying for hours, days, weeks, months, or even years. You’ve wasted so much time yet you just can’t seem to stop thinking about what happened!
Armando Bartolome

When can entrepreneurs claim success?

Success takes time and lots of effort. All businesses involve many challenges and only a small percentage of startups survive their first year. So, how do we measure success?
Chinky Tan

It’s Just A Habit!

Are you always late? Are you always unable to finish your work or assignments? Are you always short on cash? Are you always in debt?
Armando Bartolome

How to go global

Entrepreneurs who thrive locally may feel it's time to go to the next level -- enter the global market.
Chinky Tan

Play Safe or Take the Risk?

There are a lot of people who want to start a business but don’t actually do it. There are a lot of people who have great plans in life, but up until now, they haven’t acted on them.
Armando Bartolome

Is power dressing necessary?

Power dressing can help you make a good first impression. You should always be clean and neat but not too flashy.
Chinky Tan


Have you ever been backstabbed? Are you a victim of people talking behind your back? You ask them what the problem is. “Nothing,” they answer. But the whole office or class already knows what the problem is.
Armando Bartolome

11 easy steps to have an entrepreneurial mindset

What is an entrepreneurial mindset? This refers to the specific state of one's mind in creating and focusing or harnessing to the best of one’s ability successful factors related to entrepreneurship.
Chinky Tan

Why Is It Hard To Talk About Money With Our Family?

A lot of the parents teach their children basic things like… Saying “po” and “opo” Knowing right from left Memorizing the alphabet Counting from one to ten And many more…
Armando Bartolome

5 great things to be thankful for

Let me enumerate a couple of things we all have to be grateful for. There may be instances when we feel sorry or even regret the kind of life we may have now.
SM Earth Hour

SM commits to go beyond the hour in Earth Hour

Staying true to its commitment to sustainability and environmental protection, SM Prime Holdings Inc. has challenged the public to see Earth Hour
Chinky Tan

Don’t Be Greedy!

“Money, money money Must be funny In the rich man’s world” These are lyrics from the song from Abba. Who does not want to earn more money? There is nothing wrong with earning money.
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