5 Ways to Prepare for Your Retirement
After years of building a business, some entrepreneurs forget that there comes a time to step down. Entrepreneurs must accept the fact that we all must slow down and become regular people. But have they prepared for your retirement?
Honoring my Father
One of the biggest issues that face the world today is the problem of fatherlessness.
6 Wise Investments for Your Future
When people hear about investment, the first thing that comes to mind is business. While a business can be a form of investment, there are also other means of securing your money for future needs.
What is a Block Chain?
Blockchain and cryptocurrencies has been a hot topic lately. So what are they really?
4 Ways To Let Your Money Produce More Money
“Money makes the world go round”, this perhaps is one of the most famous expressions about money. Money pays the rent, the bills, food, the kids’ tuition fee and money also allows us to bless other people.
The Advice that Changed my Life
My name is Mike Grogan and I’ve been Primed for 18 months and Primed changed my life.
6 Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs
We are fascinated at how some people succeeded in their own fields. We want to be just like them. But success does not happen overnight.
How to Generate Passive Income this 2018
It’s fascinating how quickly some people dismiss the idea of getting a sideline or a small business on the side. Why? Go ahead, ask them. You’ll hear reasons like “I’m too tired”, “too busy”, “no extra time”, or they might argue that they don’t want to lose their much needed “me time”.
The Role of the Professional in the Ministry
Many of us have been taught bad math.
We’ve learned two formulas in particular which lead to a lack of clarity about what God wants...
Great Tip for Aspiring Pinoy Public Speakers
So, I just finished a talk with about 200 people feeling very blessed. And I started to reflect on advice that I was given...
6 Tips for Managing Your Online Reputation
The internet profoundly affects any kind of business. That is why most businesses today use the internet to spread the word not only within a locality, but to a much wider audience.
5 Bad Money Habits That Will Make You Poor
Nobody wants to be poor!
Being poor is no joke at all.
By being poor I mean that you can barely make ends meet and not...