Four dance groups from California, U.S.A. are collaborating for a virtual workshop on Filipino folk dances for free, to mark the celebration of the 122nd Philippine Independence Day.
Parangal Dance Company, one of the four dance troupes, announced the good news on their Facebook account on June 13, 2020, and invited interested learners to join the We World Wide: Dance Kapwa conference series on June 17 and 18 at 7-9 PM.
“Let’s celebrate Philippines Independence month by joining the We World Wide: Dance Kapwa conference series that fuses our love for Philippine dance,” the Pangaral Dance Company said on their social media post.
“Malaya Filipino American Dance Arts, our partner group from Los Angeles, California, will present Pangalay from the southern Philippines and Parangal Dance Company, from San Francisco, will present Pamansak of Yakan from Basilan.”
The We World Wide: Dance Kapwa Part 2 on June 18 will be performed by the Barangay Dance Company of San Francisco and Samahan Filipino American Performing Arts & Education Center from San Diego. The two dance groups will present Jota Manilena and Kaganat sa Darangen respectively.
Interested dancer-learners may register through this link.
In January 2019, Parangal Dance Company also held a dance workshop for Filipino students in California for free before representing the Philippines at Japan’s World Music and Dance Festival in August and in the 455th anniversary of the Manila-Acapulco galleon trade in Mexico in November.
SEND CHEERS in the comments below to the California-based Pinoy folk dance groups who are collaborating to teach Filipino folk dances to online audiences.
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