Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) recently embarked on a brand refresh that aligns with its stated vision of “Building a better Philippines”.
Chief Marketing Officer Cathy Santamaria said that the bank’s vision is given day-to-day meaning via its mission statement, which is “We nurture every Filipino’s future with a trusted approach to managing money and innovation that makes life easier every day”. “We will realize our vision if we accomplish our mission,” Santamaria said.
BPI also adopted the tagline “Ready today. Ready tomorrow.” According to Santamaria, the tagline is “about strength, continuity, foresight, preparedness and service–hallmarks of BPI”.
To mark its 168th year, BPI simplified its logo, the “escudo” or shield, to make it more suitable for digital execution while ensuring that the logo’s key elements are retained. “The modernization of our logo is required because of digitalization, and digitalization is required because of our objective of becoming more financially inclusive,” Santamaria said.
BPI President and CEO Cezar P. Consing described the brand refresh as a re-affirmation of BPI’s objective to continue to play a constructive role in nation-building. “While we are 168 years old, we have to earn our future every single day, and that means that we must do all we can to help secure the financial futures of our own customers.”
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