HomeGood AdviceCan Franchising Be Beneficial to An Overseas Filipino Worker? | Butz Bartolome

Can Franchising Be Beneficial to An Overseas Filipino Worker? | Butz Bartolome

Franchising Overseas Filipino Worker
Butz Bartolome shares business advice.

Exactly three decades ago, I was exposed to the world of being an Overseas Contract Worker (OCW). At that time, short for any terminology, all Filipinos leaving the country under a contract were known by those three letters. It was during this experience that I realized what our fellow Filipinos were exposed to.

The world of opportunities suddenly opens up not only for the Filipino worker but for his entire family as well. At last, all those plans and wish lists may soon be afforded.

The primary reason why Filipinos migrate is the lack of job opportunities. There is an oversupply of skills and talents and a lack of demand on the other hand. Instead of trying to force one’s self into the crowded market, many opt to take chances of traveling and getting a job overseas. This may be by legal means or through the so-called TNT (Tago Ng Tago) or always hiding.

The journey begins when immediate family, relatives, and friends go to the Ninoy Aquino International Airport to bid farewell. Hordes of people would crowd the departure area. Tears, hugs, kisses, and High-5s are all over the place.

With the hope of a better future, the immediate goal of the OFW is to uplift the standard of living of the family. In the provinces, there is a surge in the sale of houses and lot. In fact, caravans of real estate agents from different companies would conduct selling missions in almost all OFW-occupied countries. Aside from the house, of course, all the appliances and vehicles are next on their agenda.

The question is how can Franchising be Beneficial to an OFW?

Given all the basic necessities have been obtained by the OFW, there is a serious need in planning for the future. Many countries nowadays are implementing their “Nationalization” program. It is geared toward aiding its citizens in occupying positions, which have been enjoyed by foreign workers. It cannot be that the OFW will resort to transferring to other countries where there is no such program for its local citizens.

One alternative is to explore franchising.

By definition, it is a method of getting into business under an existing brand and providing support by the owner. Compared to a start-up, the trial and error are much less. The owner or otherwise known as the franchisor faced many obstacles during the initial stages of the business. During such a process, he was able to arrive at identified products, services, the right procedures, customers, and most importantly – profitability.

One challenge for OFWs is making a firm commitment to managing the franchise. This is a crossroads. Most OFWs would still want to return to their foreign assignment and earn as much money. For his family to manage may mean giving their commitment as well. The success of the franchise business is total confidence in the business concept. It is not enough to like the product and give the required investment. The franchisor expects a firm and serious commitment.

From my experience of meeting OFWs, one noticeable trait is to do cramming. This is like during schooldays when the exam dates are getting near, it is the only time to force one’s self to study. There are OFWs who like procrastinating or postponing for tomorrow what is important. There are those who are afraid of even discussing such a scenario. One thing I learned in my overseas exposure is there is always an end to everything. The great and fantastic benefits will soon end. If no savings and preparation are done for the unexpected return or end of the contract, it may be too late. There are those who enter into any business just so to earn.

One great benefit Franchising may offer is having a business under an established brand. There is also backup support from the franchisor and his team. However, the OFW must do a careful study as well as exert effort in learning about franchising. This is not like going to a supermarket and picking up the business of choice.

Unfortunately because of the lack of study, impulsive action leads to greater mistakes and at times falling as victims of franchise scams.

CHECK OUT more advice from Butz Bartolome:

Tips on How To Strategically Boost Your Business Effortlessly | Butz Bartolome

Strengthening Entrepreneurial Skills To Reduce Unemployment | Butz Bartolome

CHECK OUT the Philippines’ top mentor Butz Bartolome as he discusses business matters and SHARE THIS STORY with entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs who need the advice.

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Armando O. Bartolome
Armando O. Bartolomehttps://butzbartolome.com/
Armando Bartolome is known as the Philippines’ Franchise Guru, a mentor to numerous micro entrepreneurs who are now themselves big names in the industry. For questions and more information, you may contact Armando “Butz” Bartolome by email: Business.mentor@butzbartolome.com or his social media

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