HomeGood AdvicePositivity Amidst Trials and Tribulations | Butz Bartolome

Positivity Amidst Trials and Tribulations | Butz Bartolome

Positivity Amidst Trials
Butz Bartolome shares business advice.

Suppose there is one thing that I should be grateful for. In that case, that will be how I have trained myself to see more of the beauty that life can offer rather than be disheartened by the numerous obstacles that came my way. Bumping into a quote that Thomas A. Edison once said, “I never did a day’s work in my life. It was all fun.”

Being with any kind of business, we will all inevitably come across some failures and discontentment with what we have hoped for that will give us a positive result. But of course, sometimes, we can do only so much that even though we seem to have created a perfect plan, things just go wrong halfway through the process. So how do you deal with it?

Some of us were brought up thinking that we can only be the great person we want to be. If we are financially equipped and supported by the big names in society. For some, yes, it has somehow helped them. Still, if we focus on that kind of scenario, most people would just be all the more discouraged to do something to take them out of the hole where they may be at present.

As a business mentor, I have met many people who inspired me to continue helping the Filipinos elevate their status by simply engaging in small businesses. These people have almost given up since they have been struggling with the companies that they have started. And then I ask them, “What do you think have caused your business to fail?”. I was surprised at their reply. I was expecting that they would tell me that they lack enough knowledge about the business. But it was not the reason. The reason was, they lacked faith in themselves to make the business work. And then I further asked why. And they replied that all the struggles that came their way just seemed to pull them down more profoundly each time.

A person who has a positive attitude in life, all the negative things are seen as a gold mine of learning. We can never know how much we can make improvements unless we see the lack of some things.

Moreover, criticisms are part of our everyday life. And it is highly impossible to make everyone say good things about you despite putting in all your efforts. So, what is the best way to get out of this uncomfortable feeling? Pray and believe that you can!

Creating a Positive Mindset

Believe me. When you start seeing the goodness in every aspect of life, any blow that comes your way may not be as disheartening or as complicated. The power of the mind is so strong that all you need to do is get into the habit of thinking positively, and then things will fall into their correct places.

Starting any kind of business, one needs to be more than financially prepared. We also need to prepare ourselves emotionally and physically. Entrepreneurs may be referred to as superheroes since they need to constantly be in touch with the business and their employees and make sure that everything is going as planned. Still, of course, they also need the help of a few people to help them manage the business better. Although as a business owner, you need to practically know everything about the company. But if you have to deal with everything all the time without any help, that would surely make you end up getting ill.

Live life positively by:

  • List down all the things that you want to achieve. If you feel that you will fail, write down the possible reason you think it won’t happen the way you want it to be and think of a better approach.
  • Adverse events from the past should no longer haunt you and make you feel small. When this happens, replace them with positive thoughts.
  • When you are feeling low, never allow negative thoughts to overwhelm you. Push them out of your mind and concentrate more on the good things in life.
  • Some would think that this is crazy, but saying something positive to yourself every day is an excellent way of helping you have a positive outlook on life.
  • Realize that no one and nothing in this world is perfect. Expect that there are more challenges ahead. But instead of being afraid or doubtful, embrace the challenge and turn yourself around to become a better version of yourself.
  • Think of every little thing as an opportunity. No matter how insignificant you may think something is, there will always be one good reason why you should take notice of it.
  • Positively envision yourself wherein you can achieve your goal. Let your goal be your motivation to succeed. But it cannot be possible without any action.
  • Surround yourself with people who can help and encourage you instead of those who constantly berates you with every decision you make.
  • When you hit a bump, never blame yourself for not doing your best because somehow you did. You just need to realize that sometimes, things don’t work out because what you planned was not meant to happen, or you probably need more time to think of more ways to reach your goal.
  • So, you were wrong. Never dwell on your mistakes. Think about what might have caused it to work out differently and then move on.
  • There is always an opportunity to improve in every failure. See these failures as your stepping stones towards reaching your goal.
  • Learn to stop and breathe. No one can be as creative if an entrepreneur drowns himself with work 24/7. There is a need to unwind. Take the chance to have quality time with your family and friends. You also need to relax and enjoy yourself.
  • When you feel that a negative feeling is slowly creeping in, list 100 things that make you happy.
  • Never expect that all your plans will materialize the way you think they will. Something is bound to happen sometimes. Be prepared. Learn to have a backup plan.
  • Work your way in finding solutions than sulk. That way, you can pro-actively work and be in control of your life.
  • Create realistic/achievable goals. One of the primary reasons people think they are a colossal failure is when they plan on obviously unachievable things.
  • Make it a habit to wake up each morning with a positive attitude by starting a small prayer of thanks that you can live another day.
  • Believe in yourself. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You are who you are now because of the challenges that you have been through. Set your goal in making a better you. Success is never far behind.

Dwelling negative thoughts can drain your energy. The more you think about them, the more you get stuck. Why make yourself feel worthless when you can make yourself more prominent than ever before? Learn to unleash the power of your mind positively, and great things are sure to follow suit.

CHECK OUT more advice from Butz Bartolome:

Are You Spending Your Money Right? | Butz Bartolome

Strong Tips To Start a Business | Butz Bartolome

CHECK OUT the Philippines’ top mentor Butz Bartolome as he discusses business matters and SHARE THIS STORY with entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs who need the advice.

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Armando O. Bartolome
Armando O. Bartolomehttps://butzbartolome.com/
Armando Bartolome is known as the Philippines’ Franchise Guru, a mentor to numerous micro entrepreneurs who are now themselves big names in the industry. For questions and more information, you may contact Armando “Butz” Bartolome by email: Business.mentor@butzbartolome.com or his social media

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