HomeGood SchoolSouthville's Gwyneth Tangog is first Filipino to pass Japan's SUKEN Pre-college Math...

Southville’s Gwyneth Tangog is first Filipino to pass Japan’s SUKEN Pre-college Math certification

Gywneth Tangog
Southville International School and Colleges’ 10th grade Filipino student, Gwyneth Tangog. Photo from Southville.

Southville International School and Colleges’ 10th-grade student, Gwyneth Margaux “Gwyn” G. Tangog, became the first Filipino student to pass the Pre-College level (Kyu) examination of the Sugaku Kentei (SUKEN) World Mathematics Certification Program.

The 16-year-old Tangog obtained the first passing mark since the Philippines joined the Suken program.

Tangog obtained the certification through the Asian Psychological Services and Assessment (APSA) where Gwyn is a consistent topnotcher of the Standards-Based Assessment (SBA).

Gwyneth had math training sessions from Southville, took advanced classes in Southville’s International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) Higher Math, and had external training sessions from the Mathematics Trainers Guild (MTG) that paved the way to enable and help her learn about advanced topics like vectors and calculus.

The Pre-college (Kyu) level examination covers Quadratic Functions, Trigonometry, Vectors, Basic Calculus, Matrices, Probability, and many more. The examination has two parts which Tangog passed, calculation and application.

Tangog passed six out of the seven levels: Level 5 – 7th Grade Math, Level 4 – 8th Grade Math, Level 3 – 9th Grade Math, Level Pre 2 – 10th Grade Math, and Level 2 – 11th Grade Math and finally, the Pre – 1st Kyu (College Level) that she obtained which is equivalent to the 12th-grade Certification.

In an interview with APSA quoted by Southville in a report sent to Good News Pilipinas, Tangog expressed that although it wasn’t a competition and not her highest achievement, the SUKEN opened an opportunity for her to know her skills level in international mathematics.

“I would like to encourage students and professionals to take the SUKEN World Mathematics Certification Program for them to gauge how they fare with the standards of Japan, a country which is respected in the Mathematics field. It’s a humbling experience to match our Mathematics standards with theirs. It’s an honor to be able to bring the Philippines another step higher in terms of SUKEN,” said multi-medalist Mathlete, Gwyneth Tangog.

The SUKEN World Mathematics Certification was established in Japan in July 1988 and is open to both students and professionals of any age worldwide.

Several Filipino Mathletes have represented the Philippines and won numerous medals and wars and were hailed in international countries.

This 8-year-old Math Whiz from Los Banos won 2 golds and a trophy from the 2019 Singapore Math Global Team Competition held in Vietnam.

These kids took home gold and silver medals in the South African Mathematics Competition

These Filipino Mathletes wowed the whole country when they won a total of 269 awards at the 15th International Mathematics Contest (IMC) in Singapore.

Philippine students won 6 medals at the International Math Olympiad in the United Kingdom.

SEND congratulations to Southville’s Gwyneth Tangog for marking this milestone in her academics performance!

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Ronarose Mae Vicencio
Ronarose Mae Vicencio
Rona Mae Vicencio is a co-manager, head writer, and producer of the Music and Entertainment Department of DLSU-D's 95.9 Green FM. Rona is a freelance writer who believes in the power and influence of journalism. She uses her voice and pen for those who aren't heard or can't express themselves.

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