An 8-man Philippine Army First Scout Ranger Regiment took home a prestigious Silver medal from the United Kingdom at this year’s international military Exercise Cambrian Patrol in Wales. The competition was won by Nepal.
The 2nd place winning team was composed of 1Lt. Michael Jungo, Sgt. Romero Sadava, Sgt. Francis Rey Patches, Sgt. Emmanuel Cabaron, Cpl. Rico Gundao, Cpl. Alexander Parongpong Jr., Cpl. Felipe Nebre and Cpl. Jojen Gastar.
The Scout Rangers beat 129 other patrol teams from different military units from around the world in the two-day patrolling mission that covered over 60 kilometers of Welsh terrain, carrying 25 kilos of provisions and equipment under unfamiliar and freezing weather.
Participating teams are given a set of orders on specific scenarios that include simulated battles and terrain navigation. Along the way, they were met with challenges including casualty evacuation, mock IED disposal, intelligence gathering, water crossing, and close-target reconnaissance, among others. The teams are awarded points based on how they dealt with the challenges.
The Cambrian Patrol Exercise 2019 now on its 60th edition is dubbed as a world-class challenge and considered as the “toughest and biggest of its kind” that attracts the best teams from every military worldwide.
Because of their achievement, the Scout Ranger soldiers were awarded the Meritorious Achievement Medal by the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
“Congratulations to the members of the team from the FSRR. Our Rangers have shown that the AFP is indeed a world-class armed forces that every Filipino can be proud of,” Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Noel Clement said at the awarding ceremony at Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City.
Filipino soldiers have received medals for bravery, among them, the Taegeuk Medal from South Korea and several United States Congressional Medals.
SEND congratulations in the comments below to the Philippine Scout Rangers for showcasing Filipino excellence!
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