HomeGood TechScience awardees dominate 2019 The Outstanding Young Men and Women

Science awardees dominate 2019 The Outstanding Young Men and Women

Six of the 11 awardees in the 2018 edition of The Outstanding Young Men and Women (TOYM) are from the sciences – indicating that the best and brightest of young Filipinos are making headways in the field.

The six TOYM recipients are in the science fields or have backgrounds in science:

  1. Cherrie Atilano in Agribusiness
  2. DOF Undersecretary Karl Kendrick Chua in Economic Development
  3. Rodne Galicia in Environment and Climate Change
  4. Erika Fille Legara in Education Innovation
  5. Dr. Katerina Leyritana in Medical Science
  6. Dr. Mark Anthony Sandoval in Medical Science

“Science is moving front and center in the country’s march toward progress and modernization,” according to the statement sent to GNP by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST).

Secretary Fortunato T. de la Peña, chair of the 2018 TOYM Board of Judges, made this observation on the occasion of the announcement of the awardees at Romulo Café in Makati City.

Completing the list of TOYM 2018 awardees are:

  1. Dr. Nassef Manabilang Adiong for political and Social Services
  2. Jamela Alindogan for international Journalism
  3. Cauayan City Mayor Bernard Faustino Dy
  4. Police Officer 2 Fatima Lanuza
  5. Jaton Zulueta for Community Development

The much-awaited yearlong search culminated at the January announcement of winners by 11 remarkable individuals and their exceptional stories of achievements.

Since its conception in 1959 TOYM has honored young men and women that has made a mark, significant contribution, service and development for the welfare and advancement in the field of their endeavors. Namely in agriculture and aquaculture, arts, banking, business, community development, sports, economics, education, government service, journalism, law, literature, medicine and science & technology.

GNP congratulates the winners of 2018 (TOYM) The Outstanding Young Men and Women of the Philippines.

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